You give us 45 minutes,  we’ll give you the world.

Meet the only current events course for the clever, kosher (and uber-cool) teen.

School as we know it has changed.

You’re a concerned and committed educator 

You’ve got your finger on the pulse

You know your students inside-out 

But are you fighting a losing battle?

Are your students hooked to 

devices that stunt dialogue?

cyber toys that crush conversation? 

foreign values that pulverize freedom of thought?

Bets down, 

the pervasive, 



world of iCulture 

has them in their grip.


We need to fight fire with fire

Your millennial students

 need something


 more powerful,

 more provoking,

more rousing 

to capture their interest and fuel their flame

Something that will get them out of 

social media and chat rooms,

 and back into the world of

 refreshing, respectful, and real dialogue


Current Issues

a series of weekly skill-based lessons showcasing 

controversial, compelling, & completely kosher

 current event topics

Headlines you can’t resist

  • Do military men have freedom of speech?
  • Who do children belong to — you or the government?
  • Whether he attacks Ukraine or not, Putin has already won

Get them debating real-world topics without fighting street sleaze

Real-world stories

Real student engagement 

For real Gen-Z’s 

“A breath of fresh air!”

“Rivka Stern manages to be conservatively intelligent without being politically polarizing. Her content and language are sophisticated, respectful, and non-contentious. A breath of fresh air! Kids who can’t relate to the same old, same old are connecting in the classroom in a way they never did before.”  

- Mrs. Zlata Press, Principal of Bnos Leah of Prospect Park Highschool      

Current Issues© are fully developed

 weekly lesson plans culled from 

actual, pre-censored, 

hot-off-the-press media sources,

 complete with

  • → Teacher guides

    — gift your staff with the curriculum that 

    prepares itself

  • → Vocabulary builders

    — hot-button phrases you’ll love to hear them use (oh so casually)

  • → Embedded critical thinking exercises

    — make short work of long articles

  • → Visual aids

    — bring learning to life

  • →   Student response workbooks

    — (pro-tip: accountability works)

  • → All-inclusive reviews and exams

    — based on stuff they’ll want to study (well, almost)

Landing in your inbox every Monday morning

Enough squinting. Get the real McCoy. 

  • Clean

    A teacher’s dream. No more sifting, no more censoring. 

    All on us.

  • Convenient

    Fresh material magicking itself into your inbox every Monday morning.

    Breathe easy.

  • Compelling

    Your classroom will pulsate with the energy of 25+ busy minds.

    Never blah.

  • Comprehensive

    Academic skills so stealthy, your students will barely feel them.


  • Cost-Effective

    With textbook funds, this course may be completely free. In-house service —

     on the house.

“This is something EVERY yeshiva should be using”

“Mesivta bachurim are notoriously difficult to interest in English subjects. Mrs. Stern’s course is interesting, engaging, and relatable — by far our students’ favorite. Every lesson is packed with real value and skills. This is something EVERY yeshiva should be using.”

-Rabbi Eliyahu Efroymson, Executive Director of Lifeprep Education System

  Join the  Revolution

(Afghan, Cuban or Georgian, whatever’s trending)

74+ Captivated Classes

70 + Engaging Lessons

20+ Satisfied Schools

2,200+ Enthused Students

  • Stop

    • Prepping lessons and persuading        teachers
    • Collecting trashy papers and censoring articles
    • Droning on and on and on and on  and on to a bored audience of glazed-eyes teens
  • Start

    • Blessing Mrs. Current Issues for her talent and terrific tutorials
    • Enjoying the bliss of ready-to-go lessons
    • Sweeping ‘em off their feet with slam-dunk content. Goal!

Leave your class on a high

“Creates a platform for dynamic discussion"

“My teachers and I love the well-structured units. The content is relevant, objective, and clear. Not only a serious subject, Current Issues also creates a platform for dynamic discussion in our classrooms.”

- Mrs. Molly Hazzan, Principal of Ilan High School

  • 1. Schedule a call

    We’ll answer all your questions and chat about your school  

  • 2. Select a package

    Whatever you choose, we’ll make sure you need it, want it, and love it   

  • 3. Shep nachas

    Teachers raving, students acing. What more could we ask for?

Give them something to sink their teeth into

Smart stuff for the discerning student